oil is poor in sesquiterpenes and totally devoid of the diterpenes of the incensole type [84]. . and further biological analyses will be required to identify component(s) that are Formulations are available with improved fire resistance. For the same purpose, Eg. Finally, Sacred oil efficiently scavenged superoxide anions and expressed In general, DGBEF performs better in resisting chemical attack than DGBEA, owing to its higher density of cross-links. The Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) was established with headquarters at the San Diego campus of the University of California, with the San Francisco campus as a major collaborator. Natural fibers such as Ixtle, Henequen, and Jute were used as reinforcing fabrics for two biobased epoxy resins from Sicomin®. In addition, selective cytotoxicity towards cancer cells was shown by ethanolic leaves extract and aqueous/chloroform leaves and stem bark extracts. illa cinnabaris an-tidotis medicamentisque utilissi-ma est at, Hercules, medici, quia cinnabarim vocant, utuntur hoc minio, quod venenum esse paulo mox docebimus." Furthermore, the extracts and essential oils of frankincense have been used as antiseptic agents in mouthwash, in the treatment of cough and asthma and as a fixative in perfumes, soaps, creams, lotions and detergents. 1. leaves and stem bark extracts and their phytochemical composition, Dracaena cinnabari vs Dracaena draco: confronto del profilo fitofarmacologico, Caratterizzazione chimica della manna estratta nelle Madonie (Sicilia) da cultivar di Fraxinus angustifolia e di Fraxinus ornus (Oleaceae), Steroidal Saponins from the Bark of Dracaena draco and Their Cytotoxic Activities, Bizarre Plants. MTT viability experiments were proven that drugs continue to be developed through phytochemical research. Pharmacological results have validated th… Photobiology, vol. Aromatherapy may be regarded as hav- ing a close relationship to herbal medicine; the major difference between them is in the former essential oils are extracted from parts of the plant, whereas the whole plant is used in herbal medicines. Copyright © 2020 I Am Shaman • All rights reserved For example, an extract of the resin of Commiphora wightii called gugulipid became commercially available by 1987 for management of atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia. Dragon's blood has been used for diverse medical applications in folk medicine and artistic uses. and regulate accordingly.” Despite their recommendations, requests by scientists and physicians to conduct such research had been denied until 1999. A Chinese em- peror, Kiwant Ti, wrote a book describing the medicinal properties of plants, attributing similar properties to their use as those that we give them today. Among the medicinal plants distributed in the Mediterranean region, Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. This novel combination therapy may be promising for breast cancer patients. None of our statements have been evaluated by the FDA. L'estratto si è dimostrato efficace anche nell'impedire la formazione del biofilm da parte di Staphylococcus aureus con valori di MIC inclusi nel range 54 e 39% alle concentrazioni tra 200 e 50 μg/ mL, determine the content of polyphenols in wine aromas and broken after innovative treatments after the loss of the aqueous and alcoholic fraction, Background: B. carterii (Frankincense) and B. sacra (Sacred) essential oils (EOs) Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. cancerous cell-specific cytotoxicity when opposed to B. carterii (Frankincense) EO. chemo-preventive potential in the past decades whether tested Medicinal plants are often used for the prevention or treatment of various diseases with great scientific interest. And when it comes to maintaining purity, TOPAS medical grade plastics can be sterilized via all common methods. The latter showed high levels of total phenolic contents among all the other extracts. Due to its antiseptic qualities, as well as being a useful topical salve, it has beneficial effects on sore throats. Sumatra benzoin resins originating from two species of Styrax were studied using modern analytical techniques. This study also reported the increase of QR activity as We hypothesized that Frankincense oil extract in combination with an oncolytic measles virus would introduce enhanced cytotoxicity against breast cancer cells. Analysis of these types of resins usually involves several steps including alkaline hydrolysis, derivatization of the polar groups and chromatography. Most podophyllotoxin is obtained from the Himalayan species, P. emodi, and the resin is now so valuable that it has become endangered. Medicinal properties of frankincense. Medical use of Cannabis in the United States is receiving accelerated attention with governmental authorization of research on its medical value. Inhibitors Inducing Apoptosis in Prostate Cancer Cells. Moreover, FEO increased the antitumor ability of MV by inducing the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) and ground where it is collected in the shovels of prickly pear where hardens slowly. Both the research on and the marketing of drugs derived from resins point to the possibility of their further medical use in the West as well as in the countries where they have been traditionally used (G. Singh et al. TOPAS COC is an incredibly pure resin - in fact, it's purer than most grades of medical glass. Metal-based medical tools have now been replaced with plastic alternatives. Other resin-producing species, long used for their therapeutic effects in traditional medicine, are likely candidates for future studies. anticancer and, Fatigue experienced by patients diagnosed with cancer can be debilitating and can be challenging to manage. The biological activity of frankincense resins is due to the pentacyclic triterpenic acids, α-and β-boswellic acids and their derivatives, which showed a well documented anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities. The marketing of resin as a prescription drug indicates the pharmacological interest in these resins. The burning of herbs in public places to purify the atmosphere and the wearing of pomanders were common. quinone reductase (QR), scavenge radicals and inhibit growth of human CRC cells Conclusion: Results obtained in this study represent the first evidence that Plants and their exudates are used worldwide for the treatment of several diseases and novel drugs continue to be developed through phytochemical research. slight percentage increases for cultivars. It's useful as expectorant, fluidifier, emollient and sedative in coughs; as a decongestant in chronic bronchitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis; in hypertonic solutions it acts as a dehydrating agent in the treatment of wounds and ulcers. alone or in combination. Tree resin from coniferous trees has deep roots in traditional medicine for healing burns and wounds. have been used for many centuries in several medicinal applications. Magical, Monstrous, Mythical. Thus, the present study was aimed to the evaluation of the potential antimutagenic, antigenotoxic and antiproliferative properties of leaves and stem bark extracts of this well-known tree. To the pre-Columbian … Dragon's blood is a non-specific name for red resinous exudations from quite different plant species endemic to various regions around the globe that belong to the genera Dracaena (Africa) and Daemonorops (South-East Asia), more rarely also to the genera Pterocarpus and Croton (both South America). The structure of these compounds was verified by high performance liquid chromatography–continuous flow fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Not always in the form of essential oils but also as infusions, teas, incense, smoking, perfumes, and the strewing of herbs. as boswellic acids (BAs) and their derivates, and tirucallic acids (TAs) and their derivates. to investigate in future investigations. with MIC values ranging from 54 and 39% at concentrations between 200 and 50 µg/mL. Balsam fir was one of the most used medicinal plants by eastern First Nations. However, in spite of this popularity, little works have been performed on the activity so that further studies should be performed to investigate in depth the antimutagenic, antigenotoxic and antiproliferative activities of the plant. The term copal describes resinous substances in an intermediate stage of polymerization between gummier resins and amber. Folkmedicine. Mimeographed, Addis Abeba University, Addis. With the invention of plastic injection molding techniques, the interest of manufacturers in using plastics for medical applications has seen a huge surge. Plinio il Vecchio nell'opera Naturalis Historia, narra dello scontro letale tra un elefante e un drago. The use of oncolytic measles virus (MV) is a valuable experimental therapeutic modality for several types of cancer. oil. Polyester resins are compatible with dilute acids, oils and greases, aliphatic hydrocarbons, and alcohol. leukotriene and elastase enzyme inhibition might be responsible for this effec, incensole and incensole acetate were minor components. Manna is a mild laxative and an excellent purgative, it is suitable in cases of digestive problems, in atonic or spastic constipation. Il primo rappresenta le forze La storia mitologica del Sangue di Drago, una resina prodotta da piante endemiche del continente africano appartenenti al genere Dra-caena, attraversa i millenni. Resins from numerous species of the Australian desert shrub Eremophila are being evaluated for a variety of medicinal purposes because of their anti-hypertensive, analgesic, and cardioactive properties. Based on the strong evidence of biological activities of phenolic compounds, the study was focused on the determination of total phenolics and flavonoids contents, and the phytochemical composition of the extracts assessed by LC/MS. The plant has been overexploited by poor people living in the arid areas where it is native, thus such research has the potential of enhancing production of this increasingly important medicinal plant as well as improving the local economy. Epoxy resins are sensitive to UV light. The resin also contains cannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabidiolic acid etc Indian hemp seeds contains about 20% fixed oil. was the least active against all of the tested bacterial strains [85-86]. wooden boxes or other containers suitable for the purpose, in dry and dark. In this context, the in vitro chemo-preventive, antiradical In recent years, chronic degenerative diseases such as certain types of cancers, are becoming an evident issue. Furthermore, the antiproliferative activity observed on cancer cells was compared with that on the human normal-like fibroblasts (TelCOFS02MA) and the selectivity index was calculated to understand if extracts were able to exert selective toxicity towards cancer cells. In order to establish the possible relationship between their chemical structures and pharmacological properties, the oral and topical anti-inflammatory activities of ten triterpenoids belonging to the lupane, oleanane, and ursane series, were evaluated. Phytochemical studies of resins obtained from incisions of the trunk of D. draco, have led to the isolation of flavans, along with homoisoflavans, homoisoflavones, chalcones and dihydrochalcones. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. romatherapy is the therapeutic use of volatile, aromatic essential oils which are extracted from plants. The speed of the reaction, plus the ultimate cured properties, both depend on the nature of the resin and the curing agent. Guggulu is a versatile drug and, because of its paranormal properties, it is very valuable in treating variety of disorders. Real-time RT-PCR was used to quantitatively analyze the expression of exogenous p53 which indicated that MV when combined with FEO would upregulate the P53 expression in both breast cancer cell lines. Narcotic analgesic 3.Hypnotic ( Induce sleep) 24. Collaboration with pharmaceutical companies outside the United States, such as in Canada, the Netherlands, and Belgium, where marijuana already is legal for medical use, may prove helpful in creating alternative reliable preparations to smoking. Today frankincense is one of the most commonly used resins in aromatherapy. Furthermore, because mayapple leaves are renewable without destroying the plant, their use for podophyllotoxin production provides a potential alternative crop for American farmers. 4.It has psychotropic properties due to 1,3,4 Tetra hydro cannabinol 5.Used as an antibacterial agent 25. For quantitation, gas chromatography with flame ionization detection was performed. specimen tree which grows in the Botanical Garden of the University of Palermo. 22 POLYESTER AND VINYL ESTER RESINS Resin/ pre-polymer/ oligomer- 40 to 100% (typically 55-65%) • Provides polymer properties, including modulus, toughness, glass transition temperature, and durability. Results demonstrated that B. carterii (Frankincense) Epoxy resins have fairly good resistance to many chemicals including sulfuric acid, acetone, methanol, sodium hydroxide, and organic acids, depending on the formulation. La leggenda ezio-logica che connette questo rosso essudato vegetale al sangue, dopo Plinio, troverà grande fortuna presso altri enciclopedisti latini (Solino: Collectanea rerum me-morabilia XXV, 14-15, Isidoro di Siviglia: Etymologiae XIX, 17, 8-9). In 1997 the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine went even further: “Federal authorities should rescind the medical use of marijuana for seriously ill patients and allow physicians to decide which patients to treat. Establishing such a center was considered to represent a model for close collaboration of federal, state, and academic entities, supporting this kind of research. Background Aromatic forms of medicine have been used through- out history for spiritual, medicinal, social, and beauty purposes. Moreover, variation in the overall chemistry of propolis (resin plus other compounds) affects the nature and quality of the product, which is sold in various forms (e.g., raw propolis, liquid extracts, powders, tablets, and capsules). Current recommendations by medical organizations in the United States contrast with past governmental prohibitions regarding the use of cannabinoids for medical purposes (Chapters 6 and 10). It is little, if at all, used in modern herbalism. Our family of Specialty Resins features advanced materials with unique mechanical properties that expand what’s possible with in-house fabrication on our stereolithography 3D printers. Investigations on manna minor components: Isolation and characterization of a new cumarin. Sicily plantations the bark is expressly damaged for exudation and collection of manna. due specie di frassino coltivate in Sicilia. 3, Supramolecular Photochemistry. This is unlike all the other methods that apply heat at some point, destroying some of these vital substances. EOs used alone and in combination with insoluble β-glucan from Saccharomyces An antiseptic resin is obtained from the trunk. L'albero a cui si riferisce l'auto-re è Dracaena draco, endemica delle Isole Canarie, che insieme a diverse specie del genus Dracae-na, tra cui Dracaena cinnabari, forma il gruppo dei cosiddetti al-beri del drago. The benefits of using plastics over metalshas been one of the major reasons for this growth. Resins from numerous species of the Australian desert shrub Eremophila are being evaluated for a variety of medicinal purposes because of their anti-hypertensive, analgesic, and cardioactive properties. shows a comparison between the cultivars of Fraxinus angustifolia and F. ornus, with regard to the contents in monosaccharides (sum of glucose and fructose), oligosaccharides (sum of mannotriose and mannotetrose) and mannitol. This has been shown, for example, with balsam of Peru, the resin of Myroxylon balsamum var. Furthermore, a means of disassociating the psychotropic effects of THC from their desired therapeutic effects needs to be considered (Chapter 10). Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. The CMCR was to support and fund research to explore the use of marijuana as an alternative treatment for conditions and symptoms defined by the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine, and an expert panel of the National Institutes of Health: (1) severe appetite suppression, weight loss, and cachexia resulting from infection by human immunodeficiency virus, (2) chronic pain resulting from specific injuries and diseases such as AIDS, (3) nausea associated with chemotherapy, and (4) muscle spasticity caused by diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Molecular response factors of the identified compounds were calculated as correction factors of the peak areas. Myrrh which is used for medicinal purpose and commonly known as Bol, Hirabola, heerabol, hirabol myrrh, Abyssinian myrrh, common myrrh, gum myrrh tree, gummi myrrh or Myrrh is the pieces of brownish-yellow sticky mass of the tree Commiphora myrrha. More recently, resins, balsams, and gums have been studied for their medicinal compounds. The various physical properties of resins can be generalized as detailed below: 1. Traditionally, the genus has always been associated with investigations on coumarins [94]. 2008, 123-124. the College of Physicians in London. The fruit is a samara with elongated wing [90]. Many resins have been used throughout history in indigenous cultures and have persisted in Eastern herbal medicine for a variety of medical purposes (Chapters 7, 8, and 10). Several exudates from plants are well-known in folk medicine since ancient time, and they are today employed also for practical uses. Importance of Resin Selection Why Does Resin Selection Matter? Its astringent properties help to draw the wound together. Dragon's blood resin from Dracaena draco. The government should change marijuana status [from] Schedule I drug [illegal, to] … Schedule II [medically useful drug] . We carry a wide range of materials from the world’s top medical resin suppliers, including USP Class VI and ISO 10993 certified biocompatible resins with full FDA Master File support. A glutinous liquid exudes from this cut, hardens as it oxidises in the air into a yellowish crystalline mass with a bittersweet taste, and is then harvested. Cynna e Barros sono mostri di grande valenza simboli-ca nel pensiero ellenistico-roma-no. Resins - properties zSize of the resin beads ( 80-200µm) zMesh size (70-170) (number of openings in a square inch) zMechanical and thermal stability zPrice. Our portfolio ranges from medical grade polypropylene, ABS and polycarbonate, up to medical-grade polyamides, aliphatic polyketone, PPS and medical-grade LCP. Frankincense, also known as Olibanum, is an old-known oleogum resin obtained from the bark of trees belonging to the genera Boswellia. trees, today is mainly restrict to the Castelbuono and Pollina areas. Dragon's blood is a deep red resin, which has been used as a famous traditional medicine since ancient times by many cultures. textiles as valuables for trading and barter. Pharmacopoeia and the Pharmacopoeia of the United States is reported as such manna. measles virus and Frankincense Essential Oil extract induce dose-dependent cytotoxicity against the human breast cancer cell lines AMJ13 and MCF-7 when used as monotherapy. Research on the pharmacological activity of these plants, such as that of Richmond and Ghisalberti (1994) on the unusual terpenoid chemistry of these resins, is likely to expand in the future. London,1649. There are more than 20,000 species of high vegetables, used in traditional medicines that are sources of potential new drugs. Commiphora gileadensis ... Myrrh is used in Ayurveda and Unani medicine, which ascribe tonic and rejuvenative properties to the resin. of two human CRC cell lines. With increasing demand for the resin, Moraes et al. Essential oils are also used in the food, cosmetic, and perfume industry, who are presently the largest users of essential oils in the world, currently more so that in the therapeutic use of aromatherapy. Resins confound a wide range of herbivores, insects, and pathogens, while the volatile phenolic compounds may attract benefactors such as parasitoids or predators of the herbivores that attack the plant. The information herein provided throughout this website on various natural botanical products and alternative health principles is for general information only. Properties of Popular Medical Resins 15 Finding a Plastic Molding Company that Meets Your Needs What to Look for in a Plastic 20 Molding Company Conclusion Plastic Molded Concepts (PMC) 22 Disclaimer 23. Several of the isolated compounds showed potent cytotoxic activities measured on the human leukemia cell line HL-60 (IC50’s from 2.0 to 9.7 íM at 72 h). creatures resulted in a magical substance, also used to treat gonorrhea, stoppage of urine, watery eyes and minor burns [17], bases of the respective yellow flavylium cations [19, resin constituents, belonging to the class of flavonoids. Generally speaking, most resins are antimicrobial and wound healing in animals and in the plants that secrete them. The term aroma- therapy is so loose that many associate essential oils purely with the beauty and cosmetics industry, not understanding their important therapeutic potential. There are 43 different reported species in India, Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. Conclusion, results demonstrated that FEO and MV combination therapy had synergistic cytotoxicity in the treatment of breast cancer. Resins –different types zCross-linked-polystyrene-resins zPolyamine-resins zTentagel-resins zSoluble resins. With reliable, fresh supplies of Kratom shipped in weekly, no one has the quality or level of care that we have at IAmShaman. CyberMust. Unlike glass, it has a non-ionic, inert surface to minimize denaturation, agglomeration, delamination and other traditional glass concerns. Attributed medicinal properties. means milk and is a reference to the milky sap that exudes from the tree upon incision (Figure 2). More unguents. mannotetrose, minerals and some unknown constituents. Elastic 50A Resin: This is a brand new resin that has elastic properties. active constituents, and new sources of commercially valuable, advised remedies, which were prepared from mix, for embalming. There was a close rela- tionship between the role of perfumery and aromatic herbal medicines as perfumers were also called upon to provide protection for their clientele against prevalent diseases. The main component of manna is mannitol; it also contains glucose, fructose, maltotriose, mannotetrose, minerals and some unknown constituents. There are more than 20,000, in folk medicine since ancient time, and they are today employed also for prac, Morocco. cell wall were assayed for their capacity to increase the specific activity of NAD(P)H: Two different resins, and three different qualities from each resin, were investigated using a fast analytical method which omits the hydrolysis step and makes it possible to identify all of the individual components of the resin in one gas-chromatography–mass spectrometry measurement. The antigenotoxic potential was assessed by umu test in the strain of S. typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002. Please do not use this information to diagnose, treat or cure any illness or health condition. Some of the studies that have been approved include the effect of marijuana on neuropathic pain, effects in combination with opioids for cancer pain, mechanisms of cannabinoid analgesia, effects on spasticity, and the effects of repeated treatments on driving ability. It’s useful as expectorant, fluidifier, emollient and sedative in coughs; several applications, including artistic uses and folk medicine. Synthetic flavylium compounds can exist in several forms (multistate) that can be interconverted by more than one type of external stimulus (multifunctional). Copal is tree resin identified with the aromatic resins used by the cultures of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica as ceremonially burned incense and other purposes. Dracaena draco L. is known as the dragon's blood tree, and it's endemic to the Canary Islands and Morocco. The American Medical Association, the National Institutes of Health, the Institute of Medicine, and the World Health Organization have recommended further research on marijuana’s potential in treating various conditions (Lauerman 2001). Plant Resins: Chemistry, Evolution, Ecology, and Ethnobotany, STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANTIINFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY OF NATURAL TRITERPENOIDS, Analytical study of free and ester bound benzoic and cinnamic acids of gum benzoin resins by GC-MS and HPLC-frit FAB-MS, Aromatherapy in dermatology - Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil and clotrimazole, Photochromic flavylium compounds as multistate/multifunction molecular-level systems, Polyphenols and aromatic fraction in red wine, Essential Oils in Food Production, Preservation, Flavour and Safety, Frankincense (Boswellia ) oils. However, several problems could hinder commercial success. To that extend, yeast-derived β-glucan have shown remarkable The crystalline structure of the material is responsible for its generally good chemical resistance. natural triterpenoids, indicated that an acid functional group increased the effect [62]. B and NF-kappa B-regulated gene expression. 1993). Int J Nutr Pharmacol Neurol Dis [serial online] 2012 [cited 2020 Nov 30];2:79. potentially responsible for such chemoprevention activities. in combination with other natural compounds resulting in enhanced biological Tree resins have made appearances in cultures all over the world, from Ayurvedic medicine and ancient Egyptian healing to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Aboriginal medicine of Australia. Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2009. new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent. The astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of alder tea make it useful for treating hemorrhoids, and it’s also helpful for itch relief. that insoluble β-glucan from S. boulardii cell wall enhanced the capacity of B. Protecting Soybean from Ultraviolet-B Damage. The use of supportive therapies such as essential oils is gaining popularity among patients diagnosed with cancer. including sterols, carotenes and aromatic compounds. In July-August a vertical series of oblique incisions are made in the bark on alternate sides of the trunk. The oleogum resin oil of, Several studies reported in literature encourage the medical use of these oil.