Some key signs of Schefflera toxicity are strong burning of the tongue, lips, throat and mouth, problems swallowing, upset stomach and labored breathing. Schefflera arboricola, commonly known as the Dwarf Umbrella tree, is a flowering plant of the Araliaceae family, native to both Taiwan and the Chinese island province Hainan. The evergreen is part of the Araliaceae family, and hails originally from the Asian island of Taiwan. Depending on where you are, it may go for other names, including Australian ivy palm, dwarf Hawaiian Schefflera, Starleaf, Octopus tree, dwarf Schefflera, Hawaii umbrella tree, or parasol plant. 1. Il peut supporter une luminosité plus faible que Schefflera actinophylla. Toxic plants are a frustratingly common dilemma. En raison de la forme de son feuillage, il est parfois appelé arbre-ombrelle ou arbre-parapluie. Feed them well and love them always. Elle est appréciée pour sa forme dense et arbustive ainsi que pour ses feuilles vert foncé plus petites et plus étroites. Le Schefflera. Le schefflera est une plante d'intérieur ombellifère très courante qui est facile à faire pousser, car elle peut prospérer sous un éclairage artificiel ou modéré et résiste bien aux parasites. - Schefflera actinophylla 'Amate' aux grandes feuilles à 7/8 larges folioles elliptiques, d'un vert foncé vernissé. The umbrella plant (Schefflera arboricola or Heptapleurum arboricola) is a popular tree like houseplant that is easy to grow indoors.Other common names for this tall houseplant include dwarf umbrella tree, parasol plant, octopus tree, and dwarf Schefflera.The umbrella plant makes for a tall, ornamental indoor tree-like plant that grows in containers. This evergreen subshrub in the family Araliaceae with many cultivars whose leaf color and pattern vary, with most being variegated with creamy-white centers or edges, makes a great houseplant (indoor bonsai) that will thrive in poor condition and neglect. Les feuilles sont persistantes, regroupées par 5 à 9. Le schefflera est une grande plante , tropical qui pousse 8 pieds de hauteur . Schefflera arboricola is a flowering plant in the family Araliaceae, native to Taiwan as well as Hainan. Schefflera arboricola Dans votre colis : Le pot de 12 cm. There are even different varieties of the Schefflera Arboricola itself. We earn a commission when you buy them through our affiliate links. Native to Taiwan and Hainan, Schefflera arboricola, commonly known as the dwarf umbrella tree due to its striking resemblance with the umbrella tree (Schefflera actinophylla), but it’s much smaller. However, if you own any pets, it's always crucial to know the ins and outs of a plant's safety before you ever allow your fluff ball anywhere near it. Flowering period: July to October, rarely forms small yellow flowers 11. Cultivars divers parfois aux feuilles panachées. An animal or person who ingests the plant may experience difficulty swallowing, burning and irritation in the mouth, excessive drooling, and vomiting. Clinical Signs: Oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of the mouth, lips, tongue, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing. Finally, don’t forget to pick any fallen petals, stems, or leaves of your dwarf umbrella tree or any other unsafe one. If you have any reason to believe that your little one may have eaten any part of a Schefflera arboricola plant, it's of extreme importance to monitor her for any symptoms of poisoning. The Dwarf Umbrella Tree is a tropical tree with compound leaves which is very suitable for indoor bonsai. Origin: Taiwan and South of China 8. average height when kept as an indoor plant: 30 – 180 cm 9. leaves: long-stemmed, leathery, lacquer-green 10. Il est originaire d’Asie (Chine, Inde, Japon) et d’Amérique centrale, où il peut atteindre 30 m de haut. Umbrella Plant or Tree - growing tips The Umbrella Plant is also known as the Dwarf umbrella tree. When I first got my Schefflera I wasn’t sure what variety of Schefflera it was. The feline may also vocalize, as the sap from the schefflera plant cause needle-like pain to the tongue, mouth and throat. Genus: Schefflera 4. german name: Strahlenaralie 5. scientific name: Schefflera J.R.Forst. If you're able to spot a Schefflera arboricola quickly, you also may be able to remove your cat quickly from a potentially harmful situation. The common Umbrella Plant, scientifically named Schefflera, has a doppelganger named Heptapleurum. Schefflera arboricola is toxic to cats since it has calcium sharp, needle-like oxalate crystals. Because of the serious potential for danger, get emergency veterinary attention as soon as you suspect ingestion -- no exceptions. When cats ingest the dwarf umbrella tree, their saliva will make idioblasts to rupture, allowing the oxalate crystals to escape and pierce their oral and digestive tract mucous membrane. Bonjour, Je possède une Schefflera depuis 5 ans qui poussait très bien jusqu’à présent. This plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals similar to plants in the Araceae family.