If any of the dead or dying bushes had spots on the leaves, they may have a fungus and you might try adding some pebbles or even gravel to the bottom of the pan to be sure they are draining well. Wait until the end of winter or early spring, and then cut away and dead, dying or broken branches. I love roses too and the miniature rose bushes can go indoors as well as outdoors. Get the timing right. Miniature roses have the same care requirements as standard roses, with the exception of water. This brings fond memories of my mother. Move it into a sheltered spot for a few hours each day, gradually increasing the time outside, for about 7 to 10 days. Prune these is the same way as for full-sized floribunda (cluster-flowered) roses, but on a smaller scale. thank you. Overly wet soil, especially in container-grown miniature roses, can cause root rot or other fungi problems. Can it be outside ,I live in Georgia southern part. You are very welcome! This care involves pruning, watering, cleaning the pot of dead leaves and choosing a good location to winter the potted rose. Have a wonderful day!!! ⦠Miniature roses Tiny in every respect from flowers to leaves, these roses are repeat flowering and, although they are sold as houseplants, they will grow outside on a patio or at the front of a border. :). The bottom of the pot should rest above the water level. Stick your finger in the container to check for dryness every day or two. Mound soil 10 to 12 inches around the base of the plant to insulate the crown. Maybe you could try growing one the little rose bushes in your home, it would make you smile every day. Another good idea is to use a saucer under the pot that will hold the excess water as it drains out. Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on February 22, 2012: Hi erica! Cut off affected leaves and treat foliage with a fungicide especially made for blackspot. But now I wonder if I am better off leaving the roses in the house in the window forever. It will be healthier after a winter's rest. :). It is a Rosier Miniature Rose. Be sure the container allows the water to drain. Check the rose's soil for dryness each day. Epsom salt should be good for it. After all it is an outside plant. Good air ventilation will also help to prevent this fungus. This is a micro-mini rose which is greenhouse grown. Good luck! Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on February 22, 2018: If it is the stems that are turning brown, it could be either under watering or over fertilizing. Have a great day! Deep soakings are much better than frequent, shallow watering. Locate your mini rose bush where it will receive plenty of sunlight. Our Amazon Affiliate Link: https://amzn.to/2tLiN7x #ad If you want to keep a miniature rose plant thriving indoors, take a look at these tips. Voted up, beaufiful and useful. On the warmer days during the winter, check the soil and water lightly as needed. Rose Bush Care For Growing Roses In Containers. Water it slightly from time to time. It is greatly appreciated! Then add the rose bush back in. Miniature roses make a dainty and surprisingly vigorous addition to any indoor or outdoor garden. Hey every be sure to join me as I share how to grow miniature roses. Allow the excess water to drain away before placing the miniature rose back on its drip tray. Overly damp conditions can cause blackspot to develop on the leaves, so be sure your container has good drainage. What can I do before the plant becomes completely bald? Try letting it dry out a little between watering. I bought 40 miniature rose bushes 2 months ago - There were 3 bushes in each little 4"continer. I Afraid I’m going to loose this cute little purple rose bush. Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on April 17, 2013: I have never tried to keep an indoor miniature rose bush but love my outside full sized rose bushes. Cut back the brown stems and adjust the water and fertilizer and see if that works. Watering roses is an important part of rosesâ winter care. Good luck and thank you for stopping by! In addition, miniature roses grown indoors may suffer from common household pest infestations. billips from Central Texas on April 13, 2012: You have given me a lot of useful information SGBrown - roses are my favorite flowers, but most grow very poorly here - I have resorted to miniatures, some of which I keep indoors - will definitely do a better job of caring for them now - B. Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on March 01, 2012: Hi lucybell. I put them in my large shelved bay window with fig plant and other big leaf plants which end up replacing curtains!!! Mary Craig from New York on December 10, 2014: I can grow almost anything outside but house plants suffer a death sentence in my house. Pruning Roses: To keep your rose bush flowering throughout the summer it is very important that you dead-head finished flowers. Up, useful and interesting votes. Most miniature roses are tough plants that are hardy in zones 5 to 9. Watering your roses regularly. Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on February 12, 2012: Great! Please help. As your miniature rose bush grows, it is continuing to add more roots. Don't let the delicate appearance of the plants fool you -- they are exceptionally hardy and grow outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 to 11. But pruning with hedge shears can be done, and it can even be done sloppily. Dip your cutting tools into a household cleaner, such as Pine-Sol, between cuts and allow to air dry. I was very excited when my husband bought me my first one. Start by slowly acclimating your mini to the outside world. What would make my mini suddenly turn dark, stem and all and my leaves die off? In the home, place the miniature rose in a south or west facing window. Yes, I have never had a miniature rose before; should I use any type of plant food or just keep it moist by watering as needed? Miniature Rose Bush - Indoor Care Miniature rose bushes are hybrid roses that are bred to remain small in size. Plants that do not receive enough sunlight become spindly and weak. Hubby buys me one every Valentines Day now. Caring for potted roses takes very little effort, with huge rewards of fragrant flowers through the summer. Landscape roses are a simple way to add lots of color to your garden. Don't prune the top of the rose bush. Deadhead, or pluck off, spent blooms. These are compact bushes with tight clusters of small flowers. I've killed quite a few of these off, so I'll be paying closer attention to the guidelines you shared. So now I wait till Spring and see what lives and what does not. Thank you for your kind comment and votes, it is always appreciated! Be sure to use sharp pruners to cut the stem at a 45° angle, 1/4-inch above a leaf axil. How to Prune the Rosa Persian Yellow Rose, Iowa State Reiman Gardens: Miniature Roses, University of Florida IFAS - Gardening Solutions: Roses. When it comes to container size, bigger is better. Good luck! In order to maximize your blooms and create a thriving, hardy little rose, pruning is essential to its care. Although they have been bred specifically to curtail their size, they retain much of the hardiness of rose bushes that tower over them in size. Voted up. A good bloom booster will improve the density, quality and health of your roses ⦠Dolores Monet from East Coast, United States on December 10, 2014: Hi Shiela - many long years ago, I was given 3 miniature roses as a gift. Thank so so much for stopping by and for SHARING! Have a great day! Next time I buy one I will follow your instructions carefully because they are a lovey plant. Thank you for you nice comments. Becky Katz from Hereford, AZ on February 16, 2012: I have had these for years and something that I always do, is put about an inch of pebbles in the bottom of the pot. When growing miniature roses indoors, it will be imperative that growers remain dedicated to watering, fertilizing, deadheading, and pruning their plants. Best/Sis. Hi Angela, I hope my information is helpful. They sure are eye-opening for someone with little knowleadge on gardening but surprinsingly love for miniature rosebushes and other types of flowers! How many plants should I put in a 18 inch pot, outside? Do NOT water it for at least 1 -2 days. Blackspot is a fungus that needs to be treated right away. Got a Rosier Miniature Rose plant as a gift what type plant food would be best for the plant? I checked and I think I saw a itty bitty bit of light green after scrap testing. That was about five years ago and it is now about 3 feet tall and has lots of blooms. I tried "lucky bamboo" once, but I wasn't very lucky, it didn't make it. Outdoor roses should be in full sunlight. The leaves are drying out but yet the pot is kept moist. Here are a few tips on how to care for your miniature rose bush as an indoor houseplant. Hello Tina! I'm glad you found my information useful. They are so cute. Rated up, etc. My mom is gone too, so I know how much you miss yours. You could transplant in summer as long as you can keep it watered well enough. Yearly pruning will promote new growth as well as the plants overall health. :  Organic) Use a bloom booster to help your roses grow and thrive. She loved the Miniature Rose bush very much, and always had pots with beautiful roses in various colors in her window sills. Hi! Most miniature roses in the garden get 12-24â³ in size and also make great container plants. Fertilizing landscape roses is easy: simply apply a controlled release fertilizer in early spring. Very lovely! I have noticed that I have to tilt my container to rid excess water.