Recent searches: Search Results for Female Pied Wagtail Stock Photos and Images (181) Page 1 of 2. The pied wagtail is a subspecies of the white wagtail. With its black, white and grey plumage, and a long tail that is constantly wagging, the pied wagtail is aptly named. It has black upperparts, head and breast, with a white supercilium and large white wingbar. Female White wagtail (Motacilla alba) posing on a branch near the water's edge. Distribution and habitat The White-browed Wagtail is a large wagtail at 21cm. White Wagtails have white flanks, with just some restricted pale grey confined to the sides of … The upperpart coloration and facial pattern vary according to race. The specific name 'alba' is Latin for 'white'. The female White Wagtail is much paler than the female Pied, with a slight mid-grey cap and a white chin; the black bib or necklace is present but much less extensive. The rest of the underparts are white. The female White Wagtail (above centre and right) also appears to have a thick white "supercilium" (line above the eye) caused by the grey cap and mottled lower face. It is a subspecies of the white wagtail, found in mainland Europe. Pied Wagtail is a darker, sootier grey on the upperparts (adult males are largely black above), but the important feature of autumn Pied is its extensive dark sooty-grey flanks. Learn more about the pied wagtail in our expert guide, including how to identify, species facts and where to see. However, male and female Japanese Wagtails have black backs year-round and a guttural voice. The song is a pleasant twittering, more regular in white than pied, but with little territorial significance, since the male uses a series of contact calls to attract the female. The female has the black coloration less glossy than in the male. This wagtail is with white sides of the head, grey or blackish upperparts and white underparts prevent confusion with all but exceedingly localized African Wagtail. 1 2. The most familiar White Wagtail with a combination of black crown and throat (or at least breast band). White wagtails belong to the family of small … Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba yarrellii female on the ground calling, Todwick, South Yorkshire, England. They are not an endangered species. The White Wagtail frequents a wide variety of open wet and dry habitats such as seashores, upland rivers and slow-moving lowland rivers, and lakeshores. But this species is also found in cultivated areas, urban parks and gardens, and in the vicinity of towns and cities. White Wagtail The upper plumage of males in the fall and winter, females and young birds is gray. They are found in Europe, Asia and northern Africa.It is possible that climate change is affecting their migration.. Pied wagtail. Or female Pied Wagtail? They have a stable population of between 130 million and 300 million adult birds. The song is a pleasant twittering, more regular in White than Pied, but with little territorial significance, since the male uses a series of contact calls to attract the female. It does look good for a White Wagtail, but I would personally prefer to see the bird 'in the flesh' and/or see features like the rump before saying that it definitely wasn't a pale female Pied (especially since colours can often be misleading in photos - even though they look likely to be true to life in this shot). Male lugens is the only White Wagtail with white entirely primary coverts and mostly white remiges (only wing tip is black); adult female has all remiges tipped black but still has a mostly white wing; young birds are more similar to other subspecies. The call of the white wagtail is a sharp chisick, slightly softer than the version given by the pied wagtail. Next page. The Latin genus name of the White wagtail originally meant "little mover", but certain medieval writers thought it meant "wag-tail", giving rise to a new Latin word 'cilla' for 'tail'. This is a slender bird, with the characteristic long, constantly wagging tail of its genus. The white wagtail (Motacilla alba) is a species of bird.. Conservation. The call of the White Wagtail is a sharp chisick, slightly softer than the version given by the Pied Wagtail. Where does the pied wagtail get its name from?