The script also depends upon the kind of presentation being made, whether for business or educational purpose. Keep the handouts handy to save from taking duplicative notes. If you've ever noticed that zooming-in (200% or more) on images in a PowerPoint or Word document, or a PDF made from a PowerPoint or Word document, shows that the images aren't very good, you should know that it's most likely Microsoft's fault - though Acrobat settings can also be responsible. I'm going to start out today by sharing with you a few stories of people with disabilities who are able to access information resources thanks to the availability of adaptive technology and accessible electronic resources. The larger and more financially endowed the library, the higher the expectation that a greater volume of information will be made available within a shorter amount of time, particularly when reasonably priced adaptive technology is available to replace tasks that previously required personnel. für mit oder grüner Unterstreichung gekennzeichnete. These materials are provided under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 License and in accordance with UW's privacy policy and terms of use. Welcome to the West subarea workshop for the Lake Merritt Station Area Plan. Collaborate for free with an online version of Microsoft PowerPoint. This is best achieved by using universal design principles when designing facilities, equipment, services and resources; by providing a base level of adaptive technology; and by developing a policy and procedures for handling requests for accommodation. Our online PDF to PowerPoint converter is the best available, and you can use it free. On the Internet, however, Katie communicates with the reference librarian quickly and easily through electronic mail. Increased awareness of people with disabilities' rights to accommodations and equal opportunities in education and employment, guaranteed by 504 and the ADA, has, and will continue to encourage more people to pursue these activities and request accommodations. With that background, a videotape presentation and discussion of adaptive technology for computers will bring our focus to electronic resources in libraries. Your packet of handouts is one of the tools that will help you apply the ideas presented. eine Provision vom Händler, z.B. Much of the information presented today is provided in these handouts. Shane surfs the Net with a small tube in his mouth. If accommodation, or an adjustment is needed to make a resource, program or facility accessible to a person with a disability, the individual's preference of accommodation must be given primary consideration. On the result page, proceed to modify the file further if needed. Solved: I would like to export a powerpoint file to pdf and would like to keep a special powerpoint animation (i.e., an image is flying into the slide) in the - 8079349 Click 'Download' to save your PDF. Wie Sie Kommentare in Powerpoint einfügen, lesen Sie in diesem, Excel: Gewichteten Mittelwert errechnen - so geht's, Word: Formatierungszeichen ein- und ausblenden, Hamburger Abendblatt kündigen – so geht’s, MS Word: Kästchen zum Ankreuzen erstellen. As an extra benefit, you will find that being sensitive to the needs of people with disabilities can often make access easier for everyone. Follow these easy steps to turn a PDF into a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation: Click the Select a file button above, or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone. For example, one student who has cerebral palsy may have difficulty walking. Anna is blind. Verwendung, Weiterver-öffentlichung und Vervielfältigung sind nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung der VDM-GmbH gestattet. How to convert PPT to PDF online: Drag and drop or click 'Upload file' to import your PPT. File is then automatically sent to our servers for conversion. Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält CHIP ggf. Buch von Garr Reynolds „Zen oder Kunst der Präsentation – mit einfachen Ideen gestalten und präsentieren“ zu empfehlen. Tailor the script to your chosen program length, content and audience. Her learning disability makes it difficult for her to read so she uses a speech output system to read the screen. According to surveys conducted in 1991-1992, 9.6% or 1 in 10 Americans has a severe disability that substantially limits at least one major life activity. Sample Presentation Script. Die folgende Anleitung für LehrerInnen gibt einen tieferen Einblick in Gruppenpräsentationen beim PBL und liefert einige Vorschläge. In providing guidance on expectations for libraries in providing access to electronic resources, the letter states: Modern adaptive technology has radically affected the degree to which it is economically feasible to make printed materials and computer based information systems accessible to blind patrons. Bei Powerpoint 2007 finden Sie anstelle der Option "Datei" den "Office"-Button. As legal questions about the implications of the ADA for access to electronic information resources are tested, libraries are being required to provide access to these services. Remember too that all of our acquisitions have been funded through our own cash and facilities. You can also set other opening views, so that your documents or collections of documents open to a consistent view. Examples of qualifying disabilities covered by legislation may include, but are not limited to, spinal cord injuries, loss of limbs, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, hearing impairments, visual impairments, speech impairments, specific learning disabilities, head injuries, psychiatric disorders, diabetes, cancer, and AIDS. Seite 5 Gemäß Art. In short, libraries must assure that people with disabilities can participate in library programs and utilize library resources as independently as possible. Ben cannot use his hands, but muscular dystrophy doesn't interfere with his use of the Internet; he uses a voice input program that allows him to talk his way through the Net - six hours a day! Sarah uses her library's online catalog and the Internet to research and write papers for school. Our easy-to-use PDF to PPT converter converts your PDF to a PowerPoint presentation in seconds, while retaining all the original formatting so you can easily edit and make changes to your PPT. Universal Access: Electronic Information in Libraries. Footnote 5. Download your new PDF or sign in to share it. Select the PPTX or PPT file you want to convert to PDF. Today's presentation will help you understand the impact of these technologies for people with disabilities while giving you the tools to begin implementing them in your library. Acrobat can turn your PDF into a PPT file or the PPTX file format in seconds on desktop, using online services, or on your phone. Der Vollbildmodus ist eine Eigenschaft, die für PDF-Dokumente festgelegt werden kann, die in Präsentationen verwendet werden. Where energy is being deregulated to allow competition, energy monopolies are being broken up, and customers have the right to choose their energy provider. The industry is huge and the timing is perfect for taking advantage of energy deregulation. Using short sentences helps get the point across to your audience because long sentences can lead to that point getting lost. Even in difficult markets Ultra has always invested whether it be in in-house R&D or in the acquisition of businesses. Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält CHIP ggf. Dieser Vorgang dauert je nach Größe der Datei 10 bis 60 Sekunden. Mögliche Fragestellungen und … This section provides a sample script for delivering a half-day to full-day presentation covering all of the topics listed in the outline. Tip: PowerPoint for macOS doesn't preserve hyperlinks in PDFs but if you save your presentation to OneDrive you can open it in PowerPoint for the web and download as PDF from there. Präsentationen der individuellen sowie der Gruppenre-cherche ein zentraler Teil des Lernprozesses. Watch Acrobat automatically convert the file to the PowerPoint format. Klicken Sie nun auf den Button "Datei auswählen", suchen Sie die Datei und klicken Sie auf den Button "Öffnen". Katie is hearing impaired. The last segment of the program will include the second videotape presentation and a discussion of universal design of electronic resources applied to the development of World Wide Web pages. Alternativ können Sie zusätzlich noch einen anderen Speicherort auswählen. Seite 2 GET-Skript 1.2 Kraftwirkungen zwischen Ladungen Kräfte auf ruhende Ladungen elektrostatische Kräfte (Coulomb‘sches Gesetz) Ähnlich wie Gravitation , jedoch bei elektrischen Ladungen - zwei Arten von Ladung (+ und -) - ungleiche Ladungen ziehen sich an, gleiche stoßen sich ab - Kräfte viel, viel ... viel größer als bei Gravitation. Wenn Sie mit dem Drucken fertig sind, schließen Sie die PDF-Datei, die in Schritt 2 zum Drucken geöffnet wurde. When writing a presentation script, it’s best to keep the lines short and simple. Sie illustrie-ren die Lernaspekte und die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse der Gruppe zu den konkreten Fragestellungen. The rest of today's presentation will help you develop an understanding of adaptive technology and of universal design principles so that you can help develop accessible services and resources for your library. Footnote 3. In addition, we can expect the number of library patrons with disabilities to increase. The number of students with disabilities enrolled in universities and colleges has already increased. Klicken Sie abschließend auf den Button "Konvertieren", wird die Datei hochgeladen, umgewandelt und an Sie verschickt. Tailor the script to your chosen program length, content and audience. Wandle die PowerPoint-Datei in ein PDF-Dokument um: Klicke unter Windows auf die Registerkarte „Acrobat“ und dann auf „PDF erstellen“. © 1992-2020 DO-IT, University of Washington (UW). The Best PDF to PPTX Converter. PDF files generated from PowerPoint for the web preserve hyperlinks, are accessible, and also tend to have a smaller file …