La pianta di Begonia rex “Purple Blush”, proveniente dall’India settentrionale, possiede bellissime foglie brillanti, a forma di cuore, increspate, nei toni del verde metallico, del rosa e del bianco-argento, ovate, lunghe 20 cm. Predilige zone ben illuminate non a contatto diretto con i raggi solari. We have over 275 varieties of tropical begonias plants to choose from. Accessed Apr. Rex Begonia. La begonia rex appartiene alla specie rizomatosa. Because it’s a relatively short houseplant, Rex begonia is perfect for desks and tabletops where is wildly colorful, variegated foliage makes it a perfect contrast against other houseplants. La begonia elatior (Begonia × hiemalis) è un ibrido creato nel 1955 dal tedesco Otto Rieger incrociando la begonia tuberosa (B. FREE Shipping. Learn lighting needs and how to identify, water, feed, and propagate a Begonia Rex plant, also called a Painted Leaf Begonia or Fancy Leafed Begonia. Online Galeri. 'Red Robin' has leaves of metallic iridescent red with a charcoal-black centre. 3.4 out of 5 stars 3. See a picture, learn about pests and diseases, and read answers to Begonia Rex plant care questions. La Begonia rex è una begonia facente parte del gruppo delle begonie rizomatose ed è molto probabilmente la varietà più conosciuta ed acquistata di questa specie. Begonias - The Begonias that I grow are grown for a reason - they typically have stunning foliage and make great additions to one's plant collection. Le sue origini sono indiane ed è una pianta che alle nostre latitudini viene principalmente coltivata in appartamento. Rex Begonias | Logee's features 25+ types of Rex Begonias for sale online. Fax 01737 645201. 2019. Begonia rex. Famiglia: … Rex begonias headline the show for months on end in any shade garden, especially when grown in … Alcune specie sono erette, altre ricadenti e il fogliame si presenta in varie tonalità di verde scuro. Most rex begonias sold today are named hybrids, although they are not always labeled as such. Le begonie sono tra le piante fiorite più comuni e semplici da coltivare, ideali per chi ha poco tempo a disposizione. Begonie come coltivarle. The ‘Rex ‘ types are popular for the texture and colour of the foliage, the rhizomatous types as similar to the Rex types, but tougher and easier to grow. Begonia rex. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. How To Cultivate Rex Begonias. Begonia rex is loved for its beautiful, showy, colorful, heart-shaped leaves, perfect houseplant! In circa un mese si formeranno microscopiche piantine nei punti di incisione. Only 7 left in stock - order soon. Home > Begonia > Rex. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS PLACING YOUR ORDER PLEASE E-MAIL A Begonia Rex plant needs plenty of bright indirect light but no direct sun. Rex begonia offers colorful foliage and is one of the most interesting indoor plants around. Published on the internet. Aug 25, 2020 - Explore Lakeland Yard and Garden's board "BEGONIA", followed by 1282 people on Pinterest. Genus Begonia can be annuals, evergreen or deciduous perennials or shrubs, with fibrous, tuberous or rhizomatous roots and usually asymmetrical leaves, often strikingly patterned, and small or large flowers, both male and female in the same cluster The fabulous foliage of Rex begonias (Begonia Rex-cultorum group) offers a large range of colors, shapes, and textures. Some species are commonly grown indoors as ornamental houseplants in cooler climates. The forms sold commercially are carefully cultivated varieties of the B. rex species native to parts of eastern Asia.If planted in the garden (a relatively rare occurrence), rex begonia is grown as an annual in all but the warmest climates. The Rex group of hybrids have some genetic link to Begonia rex also known as the Painted-Leaf Begonia or King Begonia. La parte inferiore delle foglie sono anche highy decorative. Begonia grandis is a hardy tuberous type. Begonia Rex, how to grow plant care guide. All’inizio della primavera genera fiori rosa singoli, poco vistosi. The rex begonia is prone to attacks from fungus gnats and aphids. Begonia Rex Large Leaved Sampler Collection. Despite its exotic looks, Rex begonia is actually easy to grow. Shop our largest range of Begonia plants in garden nursery at Gardener's Treasures in Adelaide, SA. A common name for Rex Begonia is the fireworks plant. Begonia rex. 16 2019. Leafy pink, green with purple and green pattern. Begonie - Piante da Giardino ... Il gruppo delle Begonia rex 'Cultorum' comprende diverse centinaia di ibridi, a foglie piccole, medie o enormi, dai margini lisci o increspati, con. Schneiden Pflanzen Für Zu Hause Garten Pflanzen Vermehrung Begonien Blumen. $12.99 $ 12. Begonia is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the family Begoniaceae.The genus contains more than 1,800 different plant species. Other options New from $11.99. $21.85. 16. International Plant Names Index. Rex Begonia leaves also grow in purple, cream, pink, and silver. Rex Begonias, plants, varieties and types have been used as a house plant for many years they come in a range of colors and leaf forms and are readily available for sale from online nurseries. Aug 9, 2019 - Explore reneecorder's board "Rex Begonias", followed by 698 people on Pinterest. La Begonia maculata appartiene al gruppo delle arbustive, begonie tropicali e sempreverdi con fusti verdi e lisci che ricordano il bambù, con nodi e internodi. Begonia rex 'Red Robin'DESCRIPTION: Exotic foliage plant with large heart-shaped soft leaves, vibrantly patterned. See more ideas about begonia, planting flowers, plants. Although Rex cultorum hybrids are rhizomatous they have been given a separate group because of their distinctive and ornamental foliage. You are guaranteed to find something you love. The Spruce / Krystal Slagle Rex begonia (Begonia rex-cultorum) is a semi-tropical perennial plant normally grown as an outdoor container plant or houseplant. La Begonia Semperflorens è una specie succulenta originaria dell'America meridionale, prevalentemente dal Brasile. Extremely popular, Begonia Escargot' is an evergreen, rhizomatous perennial mostly grown for its striking, spiral-shaped foliage that curls around at the base of the leaf. The snail curl pattern is accentuated by the spiralling green, silver and chocolate colors, creating a most arresting display. More info about our plant sizes. The small pale pink flowers are an added bonus. 100% di clienti soddisfatti, entra nel sito ora . Striking hanging basket or container plant for summer. Questa pianta è originaria dell’Assam, nell’India, e viene coltivata per lo più per l’aspetto caratteristico delle sue foglie, che appaiono ricoperte da una leggera peluria e presentano diverse sfumature colorate. Visit us online & browse today. Accessed: 2019 Apr. Some outstanding cultivars include Begonia Rex 'Iron Cross' (pictures right) and Begonia Rex 'escargot' with its fascinating circular swirl of pattern on the foliage. Guida introduttiva alla coltivazione della Begonia Semperflorens, una pianta annuale dalla fioritura abbondante e colorata.. Origine della Begonia Semperflorens. давая располагающую для бесед атмосферу. Taylor Greenhouses offers an ever-expanding variety of healthy, interesting, pest-free plants. $21.85. Begonias online! 100pcs/bag begonia seeds bonsai flower seeds courtyard balcony Coleus seeds begonia plants potted for home garden 7. The Begonias are native to moist subtropical and tropical climates. Rex Begonia - Little Keepsake This exceptional, small growing hybrid has light, silvery green leaves marked a deep black-plum in the center, then blushed with metallic rose. The edges are first blushed with metallic rose, then edged in a thin band of black-plum. Bulbi di begonia vendita online: ordini in pochi clic e ricevi rapidamente a casa. Transplant outdoors after the begonias have grown 4 or 5 inches. Published online. The Plant List 2013. The Rex begonia plant is rhizomatous. Sono assai popolari perché costano poco e ricordano fiori ben più pregiati come le rose e le camelie. Begonia Rex Small Leaved Sampler Collection. Begonia ‘Curly Fireflush’ (Begonia rex hybrid) for sale online at Logee's | A rhizomatous begonia with gorgeous spiraled leaves, this rex begonia. Pinching the leaves off of these plants encourages better leaf growth. See more ideas about Begonia, Plants, Planting flowers. Questa begonia come luce o parziale ombra e umidi ricchi di Humus. 99. USES: Popular houseplant in warm humid rooms. See all of our most popular Begonia Rex varieties, including Escargot Begonia rex in World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. È amata come pianta da appartamento per le fioriture a grappolo da maggio a ottobre, ma ancor di più per le lunghe foglie asimmetriche, un bel verde brillante punteggiato da pallini bianchi e rosso vivo sulla pagina inferiore. Plants and cuttings are readily available for sale from online specialist and mail order Nurseries. begonia silver-leaf Queste splendide begonie sono coltivati per il loro fogliame altamente decorativo, begonia silver-leaf ha Bella fortemente crinkled scintillante, argento foglie con margini verde scuro, un bordo bordeaux, vene e steli. The flowers are insignificant, but with leaves like these, who cares? × tuberhybrida) con la begonia cucullata.Le sue corolle ampie 5 cm sono delle perfette copie in miniatura di quelli della begonia tuberosa e sembrano quasi risplendere perché sono leggermente traslucide. Rex begonias (Begonia rex) are tropical plants, prized for their colorfully patterned and intriguingly shaped leaves.Although they are at home in a shady garden, they are also popular as houseplants.Many people collect and display several varieties. - Flowering and luxuriant windows and windowsills La begonia rex e i suoi ibridi si moltiplicano tagliando le foglie e, dopo avere inciso leggermente alcune nervature sulla pagina inferiore, ponendo le foglie stesse su un substrato di radicazione con la pagina inferiore appoggiata ben aderente ad esso. Begonia rex in …