Pomegranate does best in areas with hot, arid summers, but suffers in cold climates. The major pests recorded on vegetative parts were aphids, thrips, stem borer, while fruit borer, mites and mealy bugs were recorded on reproductive parts. Rodents 4. University of California's official guidelines for pest monitoring techniques, pesticides, and nonpesticide alternatives for managing pests in agriculture. Insect pests 2. and Archyophora dentula. 2 Pomegranate fruit borer - Virachola isocrates Minor problems are leaf and fruit spot caused by Cercospora, Gloeosporium and Pestalotia sp. Maharashtra is India’s major pomegranate producing state, accounting for 70.2% of the total area and approximately 66% of total production. Pomegranate, Punica granatum, is a deciduous or evergreen tree or shrub in the family Punicaceae grown for its edible pomegranate tree is branched and spiny with glossy, leathery, oval to oblong leaves that grow in whorls of five or more on the branches. Here are a few common pests and diseases that might bother your pomegranate tree. Pomegranate—Punica granatum Family Punicaceae (Pomegranate family) Plant Identification. Weeds B. Pests of Regional Significance 1. Thrips/ Aphids/ Mealy bugs/ Mites/ White flies – spraying 0.02% of chlorpyriphos is useful in controlling the bugs. During roving survey, ten natural enemies (predators and parasitoids) were also encountered on sucking pests in pomegranate ecosystem. What is Anthracnose ? How can I get rid of it? Heart Rot. ; also foliar damage by whitefly, thrips, mealybugs and scale insects; and defoliation by Euproctis spp. You just clipped your first slide! Temperature: 25-30 degree c. Soil: Well drained, … The higher phenolic content of the peel yields extracts for use in dietary supplements and food preservatives. Spots on the entire leaf at later stage. Pomegranate . Here we review the arthropod pests most damaging to pomegranate cultivation in the main production regions of the Circum-Mediterranean area, and discuss the eventual phytosanitary risks linked to some newly introduced species in this geographical area. What is this bug? Pomegranate Leaf Curl. Common Pests and Diseases of Pomegranate Trees. During the fall months, cotton aphids move into pomegranate orchards from weeds, cotton, melons, and citrus, depositing eggs on pomegranate stems. Whiteflies, mealybugs, scale and leafrollers are also insect pests that can cause leaf curl. In 2015-16, the total area under pomegranate production was 196,890 hectares. Not for sale. This might explain why three of the four major pomegranate pests today were also of major importance in the 1980s (LaRue 1980). Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is one of the important fruit crops in India and is being cultivated in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.Thorough scanning of literature revealed a total of 91 insects, 6 mites and 1 snail pest feeding on pomegranate crop in India. Disease and pest Management of Pomegranate 1. Pomegranate fungal diseases are a common issue in plants grown in wet regions. Keywords: Pomegranate, aphids, thrips, Mealybug, coccinellides Introduction India, with its diverse soil and climate, offers ideal conditions for growing several kinds of production of 50 million tones. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Pramod Gawade 07040404349 2. Pomegranate peel contains high amount of polyphenols, condensed tannins, catechins, and prodelphinidins. Larvae - Bark brown, short and stout, covered with short hairs, larval period lasts for 18-47 days. This is the fifth video lecture of MOOC on Commercial Fruit Production of Pomegranate and Guava. Deer will sometimes eat … 0. Diseases 3. Possible pests may include pomegranate butterfly, thrips, scale, mealy bugs, and whiteflies. Pests of Pomegranate Useful for teaching and for agricultural students. Pomegranate plant description I. Pests A. Pests of National Significance 1. USE PLANTIX NOW! The series experiments conducted to device the management practice for sucking pest of pomegranate revealed that new generation insecticides viz. Pomegranates in California > Diseases & Disorders. Field scouting C. Surveillance through pheromone trap catches for anar butterfly and Spodoptera This is the evil Leaf-Footed Plant Bug (Leptoglossus phyllopus). Biology: Eggs: Laid singly on tender leaves, stalks and flower buds. Glomerella cingulata . pp 38. It is native to Asia but is now cultivated in Africa, the western USA and throughout the Mediterranean region. Anar butterfly/ Pomegranate fruit borer. Pomegranate Pests; Back to Pomegranate Page Fig. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Investigation over 4 years revealed that there were more than 20 important pests and diseases in this pomegranate producing area in Anhui, China. AESA based IPM A. Agro-ecosystem analysis B. Climatic requirement: The tree requires hot and dry climate during fruit development and ripening. Pomegranate. Diseases II. Single or double flowers with ruffled petals are produced in the summer. Front cover picture Model AESA chart for Pomegranate Back cover picture Pomegranate Orchard Published by National Institute of Plant Health Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030 Copies: 1,000; November, 2014 For internal circulation only. Pomegranates - Pests and Diseases. The pomegranate is generally a pest- and disease-free plant that rarely sees anything more than cosmetic damage caused by pests. Total life cycle is completed in 1 to 2 months. 550 E. Shaw Avenue Ste. Black spots with a yellow halo. Cotton aphid numbers build up rapidly on growing shoots in the spring and again in the late summer or fall. Pomegranate Insect, Mite & Nematode Pests – Fruit & Nut Agriculture: Pest Management Guidelines Pomegranate. Pomegranate is produced throughout the year in India, with the peak season from February to May. Pupal period lasts for 7-34 days. Producing brightly colored blooms and unusually shaped fruit, pomegranate trees (Punica granatum) are … Click here for more info. The main diseases affecting pomegranate fruit are Alternaria fruit rot (Alternaria alternate), Aspergillus fruit rot (Aspergillus niger) and gray mold (Botrytis cinerea).Alternaria fruit rot (also known as black heart) and Aspergillus fruit rot appear after rains as the flowers begin to open, and infect the internal portion of the pomegranate. The arthropod species mentioned here are based on their occurrence and economic importance. major sucking pests and Coccinelids on pomegranate. Natural Insect Sprays for Pomegranate Trees. Other diseases in pomegranate are rarer and not permanently damaging to the tree. Library Pests & Diseases Anthracnose of Pomegranate. In a Nutshell. Pomegranate industry in Australia Fungus. Pests of Pomegranate. Among these, seven belonged to homoptera, one hemiptera, three thysonaptera and two acarine pests. thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 0.2 g/l and imidacloprid 200 SL @ 0.25 ml/l were most effective in controlling aphids by reducing the incidence by 85.90 and 83.54 per cent over control, respectively. Pomegranate is the vernacular name for the fruit of Punica granatum L. (Punicaceae), as well as of the low tree (or shrub) that bears that fruit. When leaves curl, it signals a problem. Pomegranates are attractive deciduous shrubs or trees. These pests … Pomegranate Fruit Pests Pomegranate and Creepy Leaf-Footed Plant Bug. Pests of Pomegranate. Anthracnose of Pomegranate . 03.7.2017. Dry, brown to black discoloration on fruits. Pomegranate shrubs are one of the easier fruits to work with since they are not usually affected by many pests or diseases. General term used to describe diseases that result in a wide range of symptoms Leaf spots, blotches or distortion, defoliation, shoot blight, twig cankers and dieback Infects many deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, fruits, vegetables, various legumes, and turf grass Caused by different fungal pathogen in pomegranate, caused by Colletotrichum sp. Status of pomegranate pests and their management strategies in India.In: 2nd International Conference on Pomegranate and minorincluding Mediterranean fruits. Five cultivars of pomegranate viz., Araktha , Bhagawa , Mridula , Ganesh and G-137 , were screened for pest incidence during 2006-2008. Aphids may cause this problem because they suck the plant juices. Premature shedding. Pomegranate seed oil contains punicic acid (65%), palmitic acid (5%), stearic acid (2%), oleic acid (6%), and linoleic acid (7%). A healthy pomegranate leaf is flat and a glossy light green. Pupation: Occurs either inside the damaged fruits or on the stalk holding it. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Pests & Diseases . 1 Leaf-Footed plant bug - Leptoglossus zonatus Fig. 0. Insect pests 2. The pests that attack pomegranate plants are: Fruit borer – spraying 0.03% of phosphamidon during the fruit setting season is helpful in controlling the pests. I’m starting this page to collect information about it, and how to get rid of it! Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. The roving survey taken up during 2006-07 at fortnightly interval in and around Bagalkot revealed the association of eleven sucking insect and two mite pests. Learn the problems of pomegranates in this article. In India, the per cent availability of fruits per head per day is Aphids are among the most serious and widespread pests in pomegranate orchards, but they may be sufficiently controlled by natural enemies. New leaf growth is bronze, turning bright or golden green in spring and then yellow in the fall. That’s why they’re one of the easiest fruit trees to grow in your garden. Luckily, pomegranates have few diseases and pests. 23-27 June, 2009. Fruits (फल), Pest and Diseases (फसलों के कीट एवं रोग), Pomegranate (अनार) Major pests of pomegranate are:- 210 Fresno, CA 93710 Phone: (559) 241-7515 Fax: (559) 241-7539
2020 pests of pomegranate